Web Design » Figma » How Do You Use Components and Variants in Figma?

How Do You Use Components and Variants in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:09 pm

There are two ways to use components and variants in Figma:

1. By creating a component

To use a component, you first need to create one. Select the object or objects you want to turn into a component, then click Create Component in the toolbar.

2. By using a library

If you’re using a library, you can insert a component directly from the library. Select the object or objects you want to insert, then click Insert from Library in the toolbar.

How do you use Components and Variants in Figma?

There are two ways to use components and variants in Figma: by creating a component, or by using a library.

PRO TIP: Components and variants in Figma are a great way to streamline your design process, but they can also be a bit confusing to use. Here are a few things to keep in mind when using components and variants:

1. Make sure you understand the difference between components and variants. Components are reusable elements that you can create once and use multiple times in your design. Variants are different versions of a component that you can create to test out different options.

2. When creating a new component, be sure to give it a clear name and description so you can easily find it later.

3. When working with variants, try to keep your changes small and incremental so you can easily track the results.

4. Be sure to delete unused variants once you’re done testing so your project doesn’t get too cluttered.

To use a component, you first need to create one.

2. By using a library

Insert from Library> in the toolbar.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.