Web Design » Figma » How Do You Use Icons on Figma?

How Do You Use Icons on Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:57 pm

Icons are a great way to add visual interest to your designs and make them more engaging. They can also be used to add context and meaning to your designs. In this article, we’ll take a look at how you can use icons in Figma.

When using icons in Figma, you have a few different options. You can either use the icons that are available in the Figma library, or you can upload your own icons.

If you want to use icons from the Figma library, simply click on the ‘Icons’ tab in the left-hand sidebar. Here, you’ll find a selection of icons that you can use in your design. To use an icon, simply drag it onto your canvas.

PRO TIP: Icons are a great way to add visual interest to your Figma designs, but they can also be a bit tricky to use. Here are a few things to keep in mind when using icons in Figma:

1. Make sure the icons you use are high-quality and properly sized. Poorly designed or low-resolution icons will make your design look unprofessional.

2. Avoid using too many icons in one design. A few well-placed icons can add a lot of visual interest, but too many will make your design look cluttered and busy.

3. Be careful when combining icons with other elements like text or illustrations. Make sure the icons you use don’t clash with the other elements in your design.

4. Use iconography sparingly and only when it makes sense for your design. Icons should enhance your design, not be the star of the show.

If you want to upload your own icons, click on the ‘+’ icon in the ‘Icons’ tab. This will open up a file explorer where you can select the icons that you want to upload. Once you’ve selected the icons, click ‘Open’ and they’ll be added to your ‘Icons’ library.

To style an icon, simply select it on your canvas and then use the formatting options that are available in the right-hand sidebar. Here, you can change the fill color, stroke color, and stroke width of an icon. You can also change its opacity and add a drop shadow if you want to.

Icons are a great way to add visual interest and context to your designs. They’re easy to use and there’s a wide range of options available, both in the Figma library and through uploading your own icons. So next time you’re designing in Figma, don’t forget to make use of icons!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.