Web Design » Canva » How Do You Use the Brush Eraser on Canva?

How Do You Use the Brush Eraser on Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 7:05 pm

There are a few ways that you can use the Brush Eraser on Canva. You can use it to erase part of an image, or you can use it to erase part of a text layer.

You can also use it to erase part of a shape layer.

To use the Brush Eraser on an image, select the image with the Selection Tool. Then, select the Brush Eraser from the Tools palette. Click and drag over the area that you want to erase. To constrain the brush to a straight line, hold down the Shift key while you drag.

To erase a text layer, select the text layer with the Selection Tool.

PRO TIP: The Brush Eraser on Canva is a great way to remove unwanted brush strokes from your design. However, be careful when using it, as it can also remove wanted brush strokes if you’re not careful. Also, make sure to save your design before using the Brush Eraser, as it is not undoable.

To use the Brush Eraser on a shape layer, select the shape layer with the Selection Tool.

The Brush Eraser is a great way to remove unwanted parts of an image, or to clean up a text or shape layer. Give it a try next time you’re working in Canva!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.