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How does Azure information protection work?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:31 pm

Azure information protection (AIP) is a security service that helps protect data in transit by encrypting it using SSL/TLS. Azure AIP can encrypt data at the storage level, between storage tiers, and with data at rest. Azure AIP also supports authenticated encryption of data at rest with managed keys. Data at rest is data that is not in use or accessible by users.

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Azure AIP helps protect data by encrypting it before it is stored in the cloud, between cloud services, and with data in the cloud. Azure AIP supports multiple authentication methods, including user authentication, role-based access controls, and digital certificates. Azure AIP helps protect data by encrypting it before it is stored in the cloud, between cloud services, and with data in the cloud.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.