Web Development » Fiverr » How does buyer request work on Fiverr?

How does buyer request work on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:35 pm

When buyers place a request on Fiverr, they typically state what they are looking for, what they are willing to pay for it, and what deadline they need it by. If the seller is able to meet all of the requirements listed by the buyer, they will then be placed in a “requested” status, which means that the seller is actively looking for a buyer for the project.

If the seller is unable to meet all of the requirements, then the request may be flagged as “needs more information” or “not interested”. If the seller is flagged as “not interested”, then they will not be able to make any more requests until they have updated their profile and made sure that they are still interested in the project.

Once the seller has met all of the requirements, they will then be placed in a “ready to sell” status. This means that the seller is ready to sell the project to the buyer and will start to receive requests from buyers.

Once a buyer has placed a request, they will need to provide information about themselves, such as their name, email address, and phone number. The buyer will also need to provide information about the project that they are interested in, such as the title, description, and price.

Once all of the information has been gathered, the buyer will then need to decide how much they are willing to pay for the project. The buyer can either use Fiverr’s “bid” feature to make a fixed price bid, or they can use Fiverr’s “ask” feature to make a flexible price bid.

If the buyer bids less than the project’s price, then the seller will automatically put the project in “bidder wanted” status. If the buyer bids more than the project’s price, then the seller will automatically put the project in “seller wanted” status.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Fiverr’s buyer request feature, please be aware that there are some risks associated with it. For example, you may not receive the requested services if the seller does not complete the work, or you may not be satisfied with the quality of the work received. In addition, there is always the possibility that the seller could scam you by not delivering what was promised. Therefore, please use caution when using this feature and be sure to read reviews of sellers before selecting one.

Once the buyer has placed a bid or asked for a price, the seller will then need to decide whether or not to accept the bid or ask. If the seller accepts the bid, then the buyer will be placed in “confirmed buyer” status.

If the seller does not accept the bid, then the buyer will be placed in “awaiting response” status. .

Once the seller has responded to the buyer, the buyer will then need to decide whether or not to cancel the bid. If the buyer cancels the bid, then the seller will be placed in “canceled buyer” status.

If the buyer does not cancel the bid, then the buyer will be placed in “confirmed buyer” status.

If the buyer is in “confirmed buyer” status, then they will be able to view the project’s details, as well as any updates that have been made to the project. The buyer will also be able to contact the seller if they have any questions.

If the buyer is in “awaiting response” status, then they will not be able to view the project’s details, but they will still be able to contact the seller.

If the buyer is in “needs more information” or “not interested” status, then they will not be able to contact the seller and will only be able to view the project’s details.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.