Web Design » Figma » How Does Prototype Work in Figma?

How Does Prototype Work in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:55 pm

Prototype is an amazing tool in Figma that allows you to quickly create interactive designs. It’s simple to use and can be a great way to create prototypes for your web or app designs. Here’s a quick rundown of how it works.

When you create a new frame in Figma, you’ll see the prototype tab on the left hand side. By default, this is turned off, but you can easily turn it on by clicking the button at the top. Once you have prototype mode turned on, you can start adding interactions.

There are two ways to add interactions in prototype mode. The first is to click and drag from one element to another. This will create a simple link between the two elements.

The second way is to use the hotspot tool. Hotspots are invisible elements that you can add to your design that act as triggers for interactions. To use the hotspot tool, simply click and drag from the edge of one element to another.

Once you’ve added interactions, you can test them out by clicking the play button at the top of the prototype tab. This will open up your design in a new window and allow you to click around and test out the interactions you’ve created.

Prototype is an amazing tool in Figma that allows you to quickly create interactive designs. Here’s a quick rundown of how it works:

When you create a new frame in Figma, you’ll see the prototype tab on the left hand side.

PRO TIP: This article is outdated and no longer reflects how Figma works.

There are two ways to add interactions in prototype mode.

The first is to click and drag from one element to another. The second way is to use the hotspot tool.

Once you’ve added interactions, you can test them out by clicking the play button at the top of the prototype tab. This will open up your design in a new window and allow you to click around and test out
the interactions you’ve created.

How Does Prototype Work in Figma?

Prototype is an amazing tool in Figma that allows users to quickly create interactive designs with ease. It’s simple enough for anyone to use and can be an extremely valuable asset when creating prototypes for web or app designs.

When starting out with Figma, users will see the prototype tab located on the left hand side of their workspace.

By default, this feature is turned off but can be easily enabled by simply clicking on the button located at the top.

Once prototype mode has been turned on, users can begin adding interactions.

This can be done in one of two ways:

The first method involves clicking and dragging from one element directly onto another.

Doing so will automatically create a link between both elements.

The second way requires making use of hotspots.

Hotspots are invisible elements that serve as triggers for interactions once they’ve been added into a design.

To use this method, simply click and drag from any edge of one element over to another.


. After adding all desired interactions into a design, testing them out is easy!

. Simply click on “play” at located at then top ofprototype mode interface.< Doing so will open up user's design within a new window where they are able thenclick around and test out each interaction they created.. [related-posts id="167702, 187324, 189924, 166896, 17078, 16154, 187758, 205500, 20030"]

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.