Website Building » Shopify » How Many Discounts Can You Have on Shopify?

How Many Discounts Can You Have on Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 12:53 am

Discounts are a great way to entice customers to buy from your Shopify store. But how many discounts can you have on Shopify?

The answer is: as many as you want!

You can have as many discounts as you want on Shopify, and there is no limit to the number of discounts you can create. However, there are some things to keep in mind when creating multiple discounts.

First, each discount must have a unique code. This code is what customers will use to apply the discount to their order. If you have multiple discounts, make sure each discount has a different code so customers can easily tell them apart.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about using Shopify to sell products online, you should be aware that there are some limitations on how many discounts you can have. While Shopify does allow you to create unlimited discount codes, you can only offer a maximum of three discounts per product. This means that if you are selling multiple products, you will need to choose which products to offer discounts on carefully. Additionally, Shopify’s discount code functionality is not as robust as some other ecommerce platforms, so you may want to consider using a different platform if you need more flexibility with your discounting.

Second, keep track of your discount codes. You’ll need to know which codes are associated with which discounts so you can properly apply the discount when a customer uses it. Discount codes can be found in the “Discounts” section of your Shopify admin.

Finally, remember that discounts are a tool to help increase sales and encourage customers to buy from your store. If you’re offering too many discounts, you may be devaluing your products and services. Use discounts wisely, and don’t offer more than you can afford to give away.


You can have as many discounts as you want on Shopify, but there are some things to keep in mind when creating multiple discounts. First, each discount must have a unique code.

Second, keep track of your discount codes so you can properly apply the discount when a customer uses it. Finally, remember that discounts are a tool to help increase sales and encourage customers to buy from your store. Use them wisely!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.