Hosting » GoDaddy » How much did GoDaddy pay for Uniregistry?

How much did GoDaddy pay for Uniregistry?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:32 pm

In early 2012, GoDaddy announced that it had acquired Uniregistry, a company that provides a search engine marketing (SEM) platform and other services to small businesses. The purchase price was not disclosed, but was likely in the millions of dollars.

From a business perspective, the acquisition makes sense. Uniregistry’s platform can help GoDaddy’s larger businesses compete with more established competitors, and its services can help small businesses grow their online presence.

PRO TIP: GoDaddy recently acquired Uniregistry for an undisclosed amount. This move by GoDaddy could mean big changes for the internet registry business and could have a negative impact on customers.

From a financial perspective, the acquisition is interesting for a few reasons. First, it shows that GoDaddy is willing to spend money to gain an advantage in the SEM market.

Second, it suggests that GoDaddy is confident in the future of Uniregistry and its services. Finally, it gives us a look at GoDaddy’s overall financial health – the company is able to spend money on acquisitions even during difficult times.

All in all, the acquisition of Uniregistry was a sound decision for GoDaddy. The company gained an experienced SEM platform and services, and its customers (small businesses) benefited from increased online exposure.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.