Web Design » Photoshop » How Much Is Photoshop Elements for Windows 10?

How Much Is Photoshop Elements for Windows 10?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 11:28 am

Adobe Photoshop Elements is a raster graphics editor for entry-level photographers, image editors and hobbyists. It contains most of the features of the professional version but with reduced complexity.

It is a part of Adobe Creative Cloud support and costs $99.99 to buy outright. A subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud also costs $9.99 per month.

So, how much is Photoshop Elements for Windows 10? If you purchase it outright, it will cost you $99.99. However, if you subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud, it will only cost you $9.

PRO TIP: Photoshop Elements is a very popular photo editing software, however, it is not free. If you are thinking about downloading this software, be aware that you will need to pay for it. There is no free trial and the full version of the software costs $99.

Of course, the price is not the only factor you should consider when choosing a graphics editor. Photoshop Elements may be less expensive than the professional version of Photoshop, but it still offers a wide range of features and options that can be very helpful for entry-level photographers and hobbyists.

If you are interested in purchasing Photoshop Elements, or if you are already a subscriber to Adobe Creative Cloud, be sure to check out our Photoshop Essentials website for more information about this great software.

So, is Photoshop Elements worth the price? For entry-level photographers and hobbyists, we believe it is!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.