Website Building » Wix » How Much Is Shipping on Wix?

How Much Is Shipping on Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:03 am

When it comes to shipping, Wix provides a few different options for its users. The first is to use a third-party shipping provider like FedEx or UPS. This is the most expensive option, but it’s also the most reliable.

The second option is to use Wix’s own shipping service. This is a bit cheaper than using a third-party provider, but it’s not as reliable. There have been some reports of Wix’s shipping service being slow and unreliable.


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The third option is to use a local shipping provider. This is the cheapest option, but it’s also the least reliable. There have been many reports of local shipping providers being slow and unreliable.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to use Wix to ship your products, be aware that there is no shipping feature built into the platform. You will need to use a third-party shipping solution or calculate shipping rates manually.

So, how much is shipping on Wix? It depends on which option you choose.

If you choose to use a third-party provider like FedEx or UPS, you can expect to pay around $10-$15 for shipping. If you choose to use Wix’s own shipping service, you can expect to pay around $5-$10 for shipping. And if you choose to use a local shipping provider, you can expect to pay around $3-$5 for shipping.


So, how much is shipping on Wix? It depends on which option you choose.

If you want the most reliable option, you can expect to pay around $10-$15 for shipping. If you’re looking for a cheaper option that isn’t as reliable, you can expect to pay around $5-$10 for shipping. And if you’re looking for the cheapest option that isn’t very reliable, you can expect to pay around $3-$5 for shipping.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.