Website Building » WooCommerce » How to set up image swatches for WooCommerce product variations?

How to set up image swatches for WooCommerce product variations?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:20 pm

Setting up image swatches for WooCommerce product variations can be a time-consuming process, but it can be easily done with the help of a few tools. First, you’ll need to create a custom fields template for your product variations. This template will include a field for each image you want to use as a swatch.

Next, you’ll need to upload the images to your server. Finally, you’ll need to add the images to your WooCommerce product variation template.

To add an image to your WooCommerce product variation template, first locate the image you want to use. Next, open the template file for your product variation, and locate the field you created for the image. In this example, the field is located at the bottom of the template. Next, locate the code block that contains the product variation’s description, and copy the code block’s text.

Next, paste the text for the image you want to use into the text field for the image. Finally, save the template file.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with WooCommerce or image swatches, we recommend that you seek help from a WooCommerce expert before attempting to set up image swatches for your product variations. Incorrectly setting up image swatches can result in broken product images on your website.

Now, you’ll need to add the image to your server. To do this, first locate the image you want to use. Next, open the file in which you saved the template file for your product variation. Next, locate the field you created for the image.

In this example, the field is located at the bottom of the template. Next, paste the text for the image you want to use into the text field for the image. Finally, save the file.

Now, you’ll need to add the image to your WooCommerce product. To do this, first locate the product you want to add the image to. Next, open the product’s admin page. Next, locate the Variations tab.

Next, locate the product variation you want to add the image to, and click on the Edit link next to the image field. Next, locate the file you saved the template file for the product variation in, and click on the Upload Image button. Next, locate the file you saved the file for the product variation in, and click on the Select Image button. Finally, select the image you want to use from the file selection window, and click on the OK button.

Now, you’re done! You can test your product variation by adding a product to your WooCommerce store, and selecting the product variation in the product’s variations list. If everything went according to plan, the image you selected should appear as a swatch in the product’s variations list.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.