Website Building » Elementor » How to Use Elementor?

How to Use Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:17 am

Elementor is a powerful online platform that allows users to create and manage their website content, including text, images, and videos. Elementor offers a variety of features that make it easy to create and manage your website content.

To begin using Elementor, sign in or create an account. Once you are logged in, click the “Content” tab at the top of the page.

This tab displays all of the content on your website. To add content, click the “Add New” button and enter the information required to create a new article.

To manage your content, click the “Manage” button and select the content you would like to edit. You can add new content, delete content, or change the order of the content.

You can also change the font, color, and size of the text.

PRO TIP: Elementor is a powerful tool that can help you create beautiful websites. However, it is important to use it carefully to avoid problems. Here are a few things to keep in mind when using Elementor:

1. Make sure you have a backup of your website before using Elementor.

2. Be careful when making changes to your website. Elementor can help you make drastic changes quickly, but those changes can be difficult to undo if you make a mistake.

3. Take your time when learning how to use Elementor. It is a complex tool with many features. Don’t try to rush through the learning process or you may miss important details.

To add images or videos, click the “Add New” button and enter the information required to create a new article. You can add images or videos from your computer or from online sources.

To finish creating your article, click the “Publish” button. This button publishes your article to your website.

Now that you have created and published your article, you can share it with your followers. You can share your article by email, on social media, or by using the sharing features on your website.


Elementor is a powerful online platform that makes it easy to create and manage your website content. The platform offers a variety of features that make it easy to create, manage, and share your content.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.