Website Building » WooCommerce » How WooCommerce Decide the Order Status and Handle Payment Failure?

How WooCommerce Decide the Order Status and Handle Payment Failure?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 12:48 am

WooCommerce is a powerful eCommerce plugin that is used by millions of online stores. WooCommerce is designed to give users complete control over their store and their data.

One of the most important aspects of any online store is the order status. The order status determines how the store will handle payment failures and other issues.

WooCommerce has four default order statuses: Pending, On Hold, Processing, and Completed. Each status has a different meaning and purpose. Pending means that the order has been placed but not yet paid for.

On Hold means that the order has been placed but the payment has failed. Processing means that the order is being processed by the store. Completed means that the order has been completed and paid for.

WooCommerce also allows for custom order statuses to be created. This allows for more flexibility in how the store handles payment failures and other issues.

When an order is placed, WooCommerce will automatically set the order status based on the payment method used. If the payment method fails, WooCommerce will set the order status to On Hold.

PRO TIP: If you are using WooCommerce to handle your online payments, be aware that the order status and payment failure handling may not be as straightforward as you expect.

WooCommerce uses a number of factors to determine the order status, including whether or not the payment was successful. If a payment fails, WooCommerce may automatically mark the order as failed and send an email to the customer.

This means that if you are relying on WooCommerce to handle your payments, you need to be sure that you understand how it handles payment failures. Otherwise, you may end up with customers who are surprised to find out that their order has failed.

If the payment method succeeds, WooCommerce will set the order status to Processing. Once the order has been shipped, WooCommerce will set the order status to Completed.

If an order is placed but not paid for, WooCommerce will automatically set theorder status to Pending. This allows the store owner to follow up with the customer and take action if necessary.

If an order is placed but the payment fails, WooCommerce will automatically settheorder status to On Hold. This allows the store owner to follow up withthe customer and take action if necessary. The customer will need to contactthe store and arrange for a new payment method before the order can be processed further.

If an order is placed but there are issues with shipping or stock levels, WooCommercesetstheorder status to On Hold as well. This allows the store owner to investigateand resolvethe issues before proceeding with fulfillment.

Once an issue has been resolved andtheorder can be processed, WooCommercesetstheorder status back to Processing. The customer will be notified that theirorder is being processed and they can expect it to ship soon.

Once an order has shipped, WooCommercesetstheorder status to Completed. The customer will be notified that theirorder has shippedand they can expect it soon. If an issue arises after an orderships,the customer can contact customer support for assistance.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.