Hosting » Azure » Is Azure Virtual Machine free?

Is Azure Virtual Machine free?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 11:23 am

Azure Virtual Machine is free for first 1 million minutes of use per month. After that, it is priced at $0.

15 per minute. .

Azure Virtual Machine is a cloud-based virtual machine service. It lets you create and manage virtual machines on Azure.

You can use Azure Virtual Machine to run applications, test and deploy software, and create isolated environments.

You can use Azure Virtual Machine to host applications or to create isolated environments. Azure Virtual Machine lets you use the same operating system and software on multiple virtual machines.

PRO TIP: No, Azure Virtual Machine is not free. There is a charge for the use of Azure Virtual Machines.

You can also use Azure Virtual Machine to test and deploy software.

Azure Virtual Machine is available in three pricing plans. The Basic plan costs $0.15 per minute and has 1 million minutes of usage per month. The Standard plan costs $0.

40 per minute and has 10 million minutes of usage per month. The Core plan costs $0.75 per minute and has 50 million minutes of usage per month.

The free 1 million minutes of usage per month for the first month is a great value. After that, the monthly price is $0.15 per minute.

This pricing plan is great for small companies that need to use Azure Virtual Machine for a short period of time. The Standard and Core plans are the best options for larger companies that need more than 1 million minutes of usage per month.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.