Web Design » Figma » Is Figma a Raster or Vector?

Is Figma a Raster or Vector?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:01 pm

Figma is a vector graphics editor and online design tool, primarily used by web designers, developed by Figma, Inc. In Figma, all objects are vector graphics, making it well suited for designing user interfaces and illustrations. However, Figma also supports raster images.

Raster images are made up of pixels, or tiny dots of color. When you zoom in on a raster image, you can see the individual pixels that make up that image.

Vector graphics are made up of paths, or lines that have a start point and an end point. These paths can be straight or curved, and they can be any color or width. When you zoom in on a vector graphic, the lines that make up the image remain smooth.

PRO TIP: Figma is a vector-based design tool that uses a web-based interface to create and edit vector graphics. It is not a raster-based design tool.

So, what does this mean for Figma? Well, since all objects in Figma are vector graphics, this means that you can zoom in on any object in your design without losing quality.

Additionally, vector graphics can be easily resized without losing quality, making Figma an ideal tool for responsive design. And because Figma supports raster images as well, you can also use photos and other images in your designs.

Conclusion: Figma is a vector graphic editor which means that it is well suited for designing user interfaces and illustrations.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.