Web Design » Figma » Is Figma Getting Paid?

Is Figma Getting Paid?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:13 pm

Designers are turning to Figma to help them with their work. The software is simple to use, and it’s easy to collaborate with others on projects. But one question remains: Is Figma getting paid?

There are a few different ways to answer this question. First, let’s look at how Figma makes money.

Figma has a few different pricing tiers, but the basic plan is free. That means that individual designers can use Figma without paying anything. For teams, there is a monthly subscription fee.

So how does Figma make money if individual users don’t have to pay? The answer lies in the features that are only available to paying customers.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Figma to create paid products, be aware that there are some potential risks. First, because Figma is a web-based tool, there is always the possibility that the site could go down or experience other technical problems. This could cause you to lose access to your work or be unable to sell your products. Secondly, Figma’s terms of service state that you give the company the right to use, reproduce, and modify any content you create in Figma. This means that if you create a paid product in Figma and sell it, Figma could theoretically modify your product and sell it themselves. While this is unlikely to happen, it is something to be aware of before using Figma to create paid products.

For example, team subscribers have access to version control and unlimited projects. They also get priority customer support. These are features that are essential for teams working on large projects.

Figma also offers enterprise plans for companies with special needs. These plans come with a custom price tag, and they include features like Single Sign-On and priority customer support.

So, is Figma getting paid? Yes,Figmas does have different ways of generating revenue.


From individual users to enterprise companies, Figma has a few different ways of generating revenue. While the basic plan is free for individual users, teams do have to pay a monthly subscription fee.

For companies with special needs, there are enterprise plans available with custom pricing.

Overall, Figma is definitely getting paid!.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.