Hosting » GoDaddy » Is GoDaddy domain privacy worth it?

Is GoDaddy domain privacy worth it?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:46 pm

Domain privacy is an important part of online security, and GoDaddy is one of the most popular providers of domain privacy services. However, there are a few factors to consider before deciding whether domain privacy is worth it:

1. GoDaddy’s Domain Privacy Services Are Expensive

One of the main reasons to consider domain privacy services from GoDaddy is their price. However, their domain privacy services are not cheap. For example, the Basic Privacy Package costs $9.99 per year and provides basic domain privacy features, such as blocking third-party cookies and IP addresses.

The Premium Privacy Package costs $24.99 per year and provides more comprehensive domain privacy features, such as blocking third-party cookies, IP addresses, and malware.

2. Domain Privacy May Not Be Enough

Even if you use all of the features of GoDaddy’s Domain Privacy Services, you may not be completely secure. For example, malware can still be installed on your computer through infected downloads, and third-party cookies can be used to track your online activity.

PRO TIP: We would not recommend using GoDaddy domain privacy as it has been known to cause issues with emails and website hosting. Additionally, there have been reports of GoDaddy selling personal information to third-party companies.

Additionally, some third-party services, such as Google Analytics, require cookies to be enabled in order to work properly.

3. Domain Privacy Services Can Be Easily Broken

Even with domain privacy features enabled, your personal information may still be accessible to the wrong person if your account is hacked. For example, if your email address is included in your domain privacy settings, an attacker could easily access your email account through a phishing attack.

In conclusion, domain privacy is an important part of online security, but it is not always enough. Before deciding whether domain privacy is worth it, be sure to consider the cost, the security risks, and the options available.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.