Website Building » Joomla » Is Joomla obsolete?

Is Joomla obsolete?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:18 am

Joomla! is a popular content management system (CMS) that is used by millions of website owners around the world. However, some experts believe that Joomla! may be obsolete in the near future.

Joomla! was first released in 2004, and it has since been upgraded several times. However, the latest version, Joomla! 3.x, was released in 2013. Joomla! 3.

x is not compatible with many of the features of Joomla! 2.x, which is the version most website owners are using.

PRO TIP: Joomla is not obsolete, however, it is no longer supported by the Joomla team. There are still a number of users and developers who continue to use Joomla and there are still a few companies providing support for it, but it is not recommended for new projects.

Some experts believe that Joomla! 3.x will not be supported by the Joomla! development team anymore in the near future.

Therefore, website owners who are using Joomla! 3.x may need to upgrade to a newer version of Joomla! in order to continue using their website.

Others believe that Joomla! will continue to be popular for years to come. However, if website owners want to upgrade to a newer version of Joomla!, they may need to invest in a new website development platform.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.