Domains » Namecheap » Is Namecheap good for domain names?

Is Namecheap good for domain names?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 6:50 pm

In general, Namecheap is a good place to buy domain names. However, there are some caveats. First, Namecheap does not have the best selection of domain names. Second, Namecheap’s prices are not always the cheapest.

PRO TIP: Namecheap is a popular domain name registrar, but it has been known to have issues with reliability and customer service. If you are considering using Namecheap for your domain name, be sure to do your research and read reviews from other customers before making a decision.

Finally, Namecheap’s customer service can be poor. Overall, Namecheap is a good resource for domain names, but there are other providers that are better choices for certain types of domains.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.