Website Building » Squarespace » Is Squarespace Transferable?

Is Squarespace Transferable?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:06 am

As the world progresses, more businesses are moving online. This leaves many people wondering if their Squarespace website can be transferred to another platform, should they ever need or want to.

While it is possible to export some content from Squarespace, it is not possible to export everything, and certain elements may not transfer over correctly. For these reasons, it is generally not recommended to try and transfer a Squarespace website to another platform.

PRO TIP: Squarespace is not transferable. If you cancel your account, you will lose all of your content and data.

While Squarespace is a great platform for many businesses, there may come a time when you need or want to move to another platform. Unfortunately, while you can export some content from Squarespace, you cannot export everything.

Additionally, certain elements may not transfer over correctly, which can cause problems down the line.

Is Squarespace Transferable?

The answer is both yes and no – you can export some content from Squarespace, but you cannot export everything. Additionally, some elements – such as formatting – may not carry over correctly. For these reasons, we do not recommend trying to transfer a Squarespace website to another platform.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.