Web Design » UI UX » Is UI UX Designer same as frontend developer?

Is UI UX Designer same as frontend developer?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:19 pm

UI UX Designer and Frontend Developer are two different titles that are used to describe someone who designs and develops the user interface or the front end of a website. A UI UX Designer will typically have a degree in design or a related field, while a Frontend Developer will have a degree in computer science or engineering.

However, the two positions share a lot of common duties, such as designing and developing user interface layouts, creating prototypes, and testing user interfaces.

PRO TIP: No, a UI/UX Designer is not the same as a Front End Developer. A UI/UX Designer is responsible for the overall user experience of a product, while a Front End Developer focuses on the implementation of design through code.

So, while UI UX Designers and Frontend Developers do have some differences, the majority of the work they do is common. In fact, many companies now require a Frontend Developer to have some experience working with the UI UX Designer to help create a cohesive user experience for their website or application.

This means that, in general, UI UX Designers and Frontend Developers are similar positions, and the two titles are used interchangeably.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.