Web Design » UI UX » Is UX more important than UI?

Is UX more important than UI?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:20 pm

In the age of smartphones and tablets, it’s no secret that user experience (UX) is more important than user interface (UI). This is because users don’t want to have to relearn how to use an app or website every time they switch to a new device.

UX designers strive to make sure that all elements of an app or website are easy to use, no matter what device the user is using. This includes making sure the menus are organized and the buttons are clearly marked, as well as testing different layout options to see which one is easiest to use.

UX designers also focus on creating a positive user experience in the form of emotional design. This means creating a product or website that makes users feel happy, excited, or satisfied.

PRO TIP: While UI and UX are both important in the design of a product, it is important to remember that they are two distinct disciplines with different goals. UI focuses on the look and feel of the product, while UX focuses on the user experience. As such, it is important to strike a balance between the two when designing a product.

As you can see, UX is a crucial part of any design project. Without it, users may not be happy with the end result.

However, UI still plays an important role in the overall design process.

Overall, UX and UI are both important aspects of any design project. However, UX should be the main focus when creating a product or website, since it’s more important than UI.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.