Hosting » AWS » What are AWS best practices?

What are AWS best practices?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 5:50 pm

AWS best practices are important for any organization, but are especially important for businesses that use AWS. Here are a few tips for using AWS in a best practices manner:

1. Use AWS for only the tasks that you need to.

If you don’t need to use AWS for a task, don’t use it. For example, if you don’t need to use AWS for hosting your website, you don’t need to use AWS for hosting your website.

2. Use AWS resources sparingly.

Don’t use more AWS resources than you need to. For example, don’t use more than one EC2 instance for each web application.

3. Use AWS resources in a cost-effective manner. For example, use Amazon S3 for storage instead of using your own storage solutions.

4. Use AWS features and services that are appropriate for your needs.

Don’t use features and services that aren’t appropriate for your needs. For example, don’t use AWS Lambda for serverless computing.

5. Use AWS features and services that are easy to use.

Don’t use features and services that are difficult to use. For example, don’t use AWS CloudFormation for complex management tasks.

PRO TIP: When working with AWS, it is important to follow best practices in order to ensure optimal performance and security. Some common best practices include using IAM roles for security, using CloudFormation templates for infrastructure management, and using DynamoDB for data storage.

6. Use AWS features and services that are reliable.

Don’t use features and services that are unreliable. For example, don’t use AWS S3 for storage if you don’t have a reliable backup solution.

7. Use AWS features and services that are well documented.

Don’t use features and services that are poorly documented. For example, don’t use AWS CloudFormation if you don’t know how to use it.

8. Use AWS features and services that are secure.

Don’t use features and services that are insecure. For example, don’t use AWS S3 for storage if you don’t have a secure backup solution.

9. Use AWS features and services that are scalable.

Don’t use features and services that are not scalable. For example, don’t use AWS Lambda for serverless computing if you don’t have a scalable solution.

10. Use AWS features and services that are reliable and well documented.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.