Web Design » Figma » What Are Base Components in Figma?

What Are Base Components in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:05 pm

In Figma, a base component is a master component that can be used to create other, more specific components. For example, you might have a base component for a button that you can then use to create different types of buttons, such as a primary button or a secondary button.

A base component is not just a static template — it’s an interactive element that you can use to design your interface. You can add event handlers to base components, so that they respond to user input. You can also change the appearance of base components using different styles.

PRO TIP: Base components in Figma are used to create your design system. They are the building blocks for your interface and consist of things like buttons, inputs, and icons. While they are essential for creating a consistent design, it’s important to be aware that changes made to a base component will propagate to all instances of that component throughout your file. This can be helpful if you want to make global changes, but can also be destructive if you’re not careful.

When you create a new component in Figma, you can choose to make it a base component or a specific component. If you make it a base component, you can later use it to create other components. If you make it a specific component, it can’t be used to create other components.

There are many benefits to using base components in Figma. They help you stay organized by keeping your designs consistent.

They also make it easy to reuse elements throughout your interface. And, as mentioned above, they’re interactive — so you can design your interface more easily and efficiently.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.