Web Development » Fiverr » What are benefits of Level 1 seller on Fiverr?

What are benefits of Level 1 seller on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:20 pm

Level 1 seller on Fiverr are those businesses who offer services for a fixed price, rather than charging per hour or project. This is a great way to get started on Fiverr, as it means you’re not constantly spending money on projects that don’t meet your expectations.

Some benefits of being a Level 1 seller on Fiverr include:

1. You can control your costs.

When you’re charging per hour or project, you’re at the mercy of the project’s price and how much time the project takes. With a fixed price, you’re in control of your costs and can ensure that your services are affordable.

2. You can focus on your strengths.

When you’re charging per project or hour, you may be tempted to offer services that you’re not particularly good at. With a fixed price, you can focus on the areas that you’re good at and offer your clients quality work.

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3. You can build a customer base quickly.

When you’re charging per project or hour, you have to be careful not to oversell your services. With a fixed price, you can quickly establish yourself as a reliable provider and build a customer base.

4. You can easily adjust your prices.

If your clients start to demand more services or higher prices, you can easily adjust your prices to meet the demands of your clients. With a fixed price, you’re in control of your business and your income.


Level 1 sellers on Fiverr offer a great way to get started on the platform. With a fixed price, you can control your costs and focus on your strengths.

Building a customer base quickly is easy with a fixed price, and you can easily adjust your prices to meet the demands of your clients.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.