Web Design » Canva » What Are Frames in Canva?

What Are Frames in Canva?

Last updated on December 3, 2022 @ 6:46 am

A frame is an HTML element that defines a particular area within the document. Anything within that area, including text and images, will be affected by any CSS properties applied to the frame. The < frame > element is used to create a frame within another frame.

The < frameset > element defines the overall layout of the frames. There can be only one < frameset > element in a document. The < frameset > element can contain one or more < frame > elements.

The main reason you would use frames is to keep certain areas of your page static while others change, or to allow for multiple pages to be displayed within one browser window. For example, you could have a frame that contains a navigation menu and another frame that contains the main content of the page. As you click on different links within the navigation menu, the content in the other frame would change without having to reload the entire page.

Frames can also be used to display multiple pages within one browser window. This is often seen on sites that have a lot of content, such as news sites or online magazines. By using frames, each article can be displayed in its own frame so that users can read one article at a time without having to scroll through a long page of text.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that frames in Canva can be extremely helpful in creating a visually appealing design. However, if not used correctly, they can make your design look cluttered and busy. When using frames, be sure to use them sparingly and only when they will genuinely add to the overall look of your design.

While frames can be useful in some situations, they also have some drawbacks. One issue is that search engines have difficulty indexing pages that use frames, since they can only index the content within each individual frame and not the overall layout of the page. This can make it difficult for users to find your site if they are searching for specific keywords or topics.

Another downside to frames is that they can make your pages look very cluttered and busy. When used improperly, frames can make it difficult for users to navigate your site and find the information they are looking for.

If you do decide to use frames on your site, be sure to use them sparingly and only when they will actually improve the user experience. Overusing frames can make your site difficult to use and may turn off potential visitors.

What Are Frames in Canva?

Canva’s easy-to-use online photo editor makes creating professional designs simple and fun. With a few clicks, you can add photos, illustrations, and text to design anything you like for any occasion—and no design experience is needed!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.