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What Are Product Tags in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:47 pm

Product tags in WooCommerce are one of the most important aspects of product organization. By tagging products, you can keep track of what products are related to each other, and easily find them when you need to. In addition, product tags can be used to create product bundles, and to up-sell and cross-sell products.

Product tags can be found in the product editing screen, under the “Tags” tab. Here you can add, edit, and delete tags as needed. To add a new tag, simply type the tag name into the field and click “Add New Tag”.

PRO TIP: Product tags in WooCommerce are a great way to keep track of your products and inventory. However, they can also be used to scam customers. There have been reports of scammers using product tags to add fake products to their carts, or to change the price of a product. If you are considering using product tags, be sure to only use trusted sources.

When tagging products, it’s important to use relevant and descriptive tags. This will help you and your customers find the right products more easily. For example, if you sell T-shirts on your WooCommerce store, you might use tags like “men’s T-shirts”, “women’s T-shirts”, “T-shirts with logos”, etc.

In conclusion, product tags in WooCommerce are a powerful tool for organizing and finding products. By using relevant and descriptive tags, you can make it easier for yourself and your customers to find the right products quickly and easily.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.