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What are tags in Azure DevOps?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:21 pm

Tags are a way to organize your code and assets in Azure DevOps. They’re used to group related files together, and make it easy to find and manage them.

When you create a tag, you create a collection of files and assets that you can use to group your code and assets. You can then use tags to track and manage your code and assets.

Tags can be used to group related files together. For example, you might create a tag to group all your code related to Azure services.

You can then use this tag to quickly find related files.

PRO TIP: Tags in Azure DevOps can be used to categorize and filter work items, builds, and releases. However, if not used correctly, they can cause problems with search and navigation. When creating tags, be sure to use descriptive names that will be easy to understand and search for. Also, consider creating tags in a hierarchy to help organize and filter your work items.

Tags are also useful for organizing your code and assets. For example, you might create a tag to group all your code related to Azure DevOps.

Tags are stored in the Azure DevOps repository. You can use the Azure DevOps tools to view, create, and manage tags.

You can also use the Azure DevOps CLI to create and manage tags.

Tags are a great way to organize your code and assets. They’re easy to use, and you can use them to track and manage your code and assets.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.