Web Design » UI UX » What are the differences between UI and UX?

What are the differences between UI and UX?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:50 pm

UI and UX are two very different design disciplines. UI is focused on the look and feel of an interface, while UX is focused on how people interact with the interface.

UI designers focus on creating a beautiful and user-friendly interface. They may focus on the layout of the interface, the color scheme, and the overall design.

PRO TIP: When discussing UI and UX, it is important to note that they are two separate but equally important concepts. UI refers to the user interface, which is the visual design of the product. UX refers to the user experience, which is the overall experience of using the product. Both UI and UX are important in creating a successful product.

They may also focus on the user experience, which means understanding how people will interact with the interface and making sure the user is able to complete their task as quickly and easily as possible.

UX designers, on the other hand, focus on the user experience. They may focus on how people will interact with the interface, how the interface will look and feel, and how users will feel while using the interface.

They may also focus on how users will learn how to use the interface and how the interface can be improved.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.