Website Building » Shopify » What Are the Order Statuses in Shopify?

What Are the Order Statuses in Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:38 pm

There are a few different order statuses in Shopify, and each one represents a different stage in the fulfillment process. Here’s a breakdown of the most common statuses:

Pending – This status means that the order has been placed, but payment has not yet been processed. If an order is showing as pending, the first thing you should do is check to see if the payment was successful. If it was, then you can begin working on fulfilling the order.

Unfulfilled – This status means that payment has been processed, but the order has not yet been shipped. An order will usually become unfulfilled soon after it’s placed, and will remain in this state until it’s shipped.

Fulfilled – This status means that the order has been shipped and is on its way to the customer. Once an order is fulfilled, you can’t make any changes to it.

Cancelled – This status means that the order has been cancelled by the customer or by you. Cancelled orders cannot be refunded.

What Are The Order Statuses In Shopify?

There are a few different order statuses in Shopify, and each one represents a different stage in the fulfillment process. Here’s a breakdown of the most common statuses:

Pending – This status means that the order has been placed, but payment has not yet been processed.

Unfulfilled – This status means that payment has been processed, but the order has not yet been shipped.

Fulfilled – This status means that the order has been shipped and is on its way to the customer.

Cancelled – This status means that the order has been cancelled by the customer or by you.

What Are The Order Statuses In Shopify?

PRO TIP: If you are using Shopify to sell products online, it is important to know the different order statuses and what they mean. This article will explain the different order statuses in Shopify, so you can better keep track of your orders and fulfill them accordingly.

The four main order statuses in Shopify are:

Awaiting Payment: This means that the customer has placed an order but has not yet paid for it. You will need to follow up with the customer and collect payment before you can fulfill the order.

Paid: This means that the customer has paid for the order and you can now start working on fulfilling it.

Fulfilled: This means that you have completed the order and shipped it off to the customer. The customer should receive their purchase soon.

Cancelled: This means that the order has been cancelled. This could be for a variety of reasons, such as the customer changing their mind or not being able to pay for the order.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.