Website Building » WooCommerce » What are WooCommerce swatches?

What are WooCommerce swatches?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:39 pm

WooCommerce swatches are a great way to show off your products in a more visually appealing way. They allow you to display different colors, patterns, and sizes of your products side-by-side, making it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for.

Swatches can also be a great way to show off your products to potential customers. By displaying different colors, patterns, and sizes, you can show customers that you have a wide range of products to choose from.

PRO TIP: While WooCommerce swatches can be a helpful tool for determining which product to purchase, they can also be misused. Swatches can be used to select products that are not in stock, which can lead to disappointment and frustration. Swatches can also be used to choose products that are not available in the desired size or color, which can waste time and money. Swatches should only be used as a guide, and not as a definitive way to select a product.

This can help you attract new customers and keep them happy, which is key for any business.


Swatches are a great way to show off your products and attract new customers. They can be a great way to show off different colors, patterns, and sizes, making it easy for customers to find what they’re looking for.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.