Hosting » AWS » What does an AWS cloud practitioner do?

What does an AWS cloud practitioner do?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:24 pm

AWS cloud practitioners help organizations build, manage, and use cloud-based services. They typically work with clients to create and deploy cloud-based applications and services, as well as to manage and monitor them.

They may also work with clients to design and deploy cloud-based architectures.

Cloud providers such as AWS offer a wide range of services, including compute, storage, networking, and application services. Cloud practitioners help clients to understand these services and to use them to build and manage their own cloud-based applications.

PRO TIP: An AWS cloud practitioner is responsible for the implementation and management of cloud-based solutions and services on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. They work with AWS customers to help them understand the benefits of cloud computing and how to use AWS services to achieve their business goals. Cloud practitioners also work with AWS partners to ensure that their products and services are compatible with AWS.

Cloud practitioners are often required to have a good understanding of both AWS and the client’s business. They may also need to have experience with cloud computing, cloud-based application development, and cloud-based architecture.

Cloud practitioners can be found in a variety of roles, including technical support, marketing, and development. They may work directly with clients or work in a team that helps clients use AWS.

Cloud practitioners can be a valuable asset to any organization that wants to use cloud-based services. By helping clients understand AWS and the cloud, they can help their organizations improve their efficiency and agility.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.