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What Does One Figure Mean on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 11:43 pm

As a new user to Fiverr, you may be wondering what all of the different figures mean on the site. Here is a quick guide to help you understand the basics.

$5 – This is the amount that you will pay for most services on Fiverr. It is also the amount that you will earn for each gig that you complete.

1 – This is the number of orders that you have completed. The more orders you complete, the more likely you are to get repeat customers and positive feedback.

100% – This is your completion rate. It is important to keep this high so that buyers know that they can trust you to deliver on your promises.

What Does One Figure Mean on Fiverr?

The different figures on Fiverr represent different aspects of your performance as a seller. The $5 figure is the amount you will earn for each gig you complete, while the 1 figure represents the number of orders you have completed.

The 100% figure is your completion rate, which shows buyers how reliable you are. Keep all of these figures high to be successful on Fiverr!

PRO TIP: One figure on Fiverr may not mean what you think it does. The site is full of people offering services for just $5, but many of these services are low quality or even scams. Be careful when ordering anything on Fiverr, and make sure to read reviews before selecting a seller.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.