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What Does Seller Level Mean on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:50 pm

As a Fiverr seller, you may be wondering what your level means. Here’s a breakdown of the different levels and what they entail:

Level One: This is the entry-level for new sellers. To achieve Level One, you must complete at least 10 orders with a 90% rating or higher.

Once you reach this level, you unlock the ability to offer gig extras and create custom packages. You also gain access to Fiverr’s Learning Center, where you can take courses to improve your skills.

Level Two: To get to Level Two, you must complete at least 50 orders with a 92% rating or higher. Once you reach this level, you unlock the ability to offer longer delivery times and become a featured seller. You also gain access to exclusive seller events and webinars.

Top Rated Seller: This is the highest level a seller can achieve. To become a Top Rated Seller, you must complete at least 100 orders with a 95% rating or higher.

Once you reach this level, you unlock the ability to offer premium services and become a staff-picked seller. You also gain access to exclusive customer support and opportunities for increased visibility on Fiverr.

What Does Seller Level Mean on Fiverr?

The different levels on Fiverr represent the experience and success of the seller. The higher the level, the more orders they have completed with a high rating. Levels also unlock different features and benefits that can help sellers be more successful on Fiverr.

PRO TIP: Seller level is a new metric on Fiverr that measures the quality of a seller’s work. It is based on a number of factors, including the quality of the seller’s gigs, reviews, ratings, and performance.

This metric is important because it allows buyers to see at a glance which sellers are more likely to provide high-quality work. It also gives sellers an incentive to improve their gigs and deliver great work to their buyers.

However, seller level is still a new metric and it is not yet clear how it will be used by Fiverr in the future. For now, it is best to use it as one factor among many when choosing a seller for your next project.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.