Web Design » Canva » What Fonts Are on Canva?

What Fonts Are on Canva?

Last updated on December 3, 2022 @ 6:24 pm

As a design platform, Canva is known for its wide library of built-in templates and easy drag-and-drop tools. But what about fonts? Canva boasts over 100 different fonts, all of which are free to use.

And if that’s not enough, you can upload your own custom fonts as well.

So, what fonts are on Canva? Let’s take a look.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to use Canva for your design needs, be aware that there is no guarantee that the fonts you see on Canva will be available for use. Some fonts may be available for purchase, while others may be unavailable for use outside of Canva.

Sans Serif Fonts

Sans serif fonts are clean and modern. They’re perfect for headlines and short blocks of text.

Canva’s sans serif fonts include:

  • Open Sans
  • Lato
  • Proxima Nova
  • Raleway
  • Roboto

Serif Fonts

Serif fonts are classic and elegant. They’re often used for longer blocks of text, such as paragraphs. Canva’s serif fonts include:

  • Georgia
  • “Times New Roman”
  • “Courier New”
  • “Comic Sans”. While not technically a serif font, “Comic Sans” is still a popular choice for its playful style.

    “What Fonts Are on Canva?” – Canva has many different types of fonts available to use on their site.

    These fonts can be used for different purposes such as headlines or paragraphs. Some examples of the different types of fonts available on Canva are Open Sans, Lato, Proxima Nova, Raleway, Roboto, Georgia, Times New Roman, Courier New, and Comic Sans.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.