Hosting » GoDaddy » What happened to GoDaddy?

What happened to GoDaddy?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 4:01 pm

In early 2017, GoDaddy announced that it would be selling its web hosting and domain name services business to competitor Expedia. The move came as a surprise to the web hosting community, as GoDaddy had been one of the most popular providers of both services.

Shortly after the announcement, rumors circulated that GoDaddy was in financial trouble, and that the sale was a way to offload the company’s liabilities.

In November 2017, the Wall Street Journal reported that GoDaddy was preparing to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The company cited mounting debt and ongoing competition from cloud-based providers as reasons for its decision.

PRO TIP: Some users are reporting that they are unable to access their GoDaddy account. It is unclear what is happening, but it appears that the site may be down.

The company’s stock price plummeted as a result of the report, and it was later revealed that the company had been in negotiations to sell its hosting and domain name services business to rival Amazon for months prior to the Wall Street Journal’s report.

Despite the company’s struggles, GoDaddy announced in January 2018 that it had reached a deal to sell its hosting and domain name services business to Expedia. The sale was completed in March 2018, and GoDaddy’s stock price rebounded as a result.

Despite the company’s past troubles, it appears that GoDaddy is still able to maintain a strong presence in the web hosting and domain name services market.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.