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What is a service account Google Cloud?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 8:49 pm

Google Cloud offers its users the ability to create a service account that gives them access to Google’s massive compute and storage resources. This account is separate from your Google account, and allows you to access specific resources in the Google Cloud Platform for your specific needs.

A service account provides significant benefits for users:

1. Separate account: A service account is separate from your Google account, which means you can use it to access specific resources in the Google Cloud Platform without affecting your Google account’s overall permissions.

2. Control over resources: With a service account, you can control which resources you access and use.

This means you can use your service account to access specific compute or storage resources that are best suited for your specific needs.

PRO TIP: A service account is an account that belongs to your application or a virtual machine (VM), not to an individual. Service accounts are used to control access to Google Cloud resources.

3. Flexible billing: Because service accounts are billed separately from your Google account, you can use them to access resources without worrying about overages or unexpected charges.

4. Security: Because service accounts are separate from your Google account, they’re protected by the same security measures as your Google account.

A service account provides a number of benefits for users, and is a great way to control and use specific resources in the Google Cloud Platform. If you’re interested in learning more about service accounts, be sure to check out the Google Cloud Platform documentation.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.