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What is AWS egress?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:35 pm

AWS Egress is a security feature of the AWS Management Console that allows you to control how traffic leaves your AWS Region. You can use AWS Egress to limit traffic to and from specific EC2 instances, VPCs, or other resources.

You can also use AWS Egress to prevent traffic from leaving your AWS Region altogether.

When you create an instance, instance type, or subnet in your AWS Region, AWS Egress is automatically enabled. You can use the AWS Management Console to disable AWS Egress for an instance, subnet, or VPC.

PRO TIP: AWS egress is the process of data leaving an AWS environment. This can happen through various means, including exporting data to Amazon S3, transferring data to an Amazon EBS volume, or taking a snapshot of an Amazon EBS volume. When data egresses from an AWS environment, it is no longer subject to the security controls and monitoring that are in place within that environment. As a result, it is important to ensure that any data that egresses from AWS is properly secured and monitored.

You can also disable AWS Egress for an entire Region using the AWS Management Console.

When you disable AWS Egress for an instance, subnet, or VPC, the traffic that flows to and from the instance, subnet, or VPC is no longer limited. However, you can still use the Security GroUPS feature of the AWS Management Console to limit the traffic that flows to and from the instance, subnet, or VPC.

When you disable AWS Egress for an entire Region, all traffic that flows to and from the Region is no longer limited. You can use the Security GroUPS feature of the AWS Management Console to limit the traffic that flows to and from the Region.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.