Hosting » AWS » What is AWS Kinesis?

What is AWS Kinesis?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:25 pm

AWS Kinesis is a suite of services that allow you to stream data from sources such as servers, applications and sensors to Amazon S3 or Amazon Redshift. You can then use the data to build sophisticated data pipelines, analysis applications and machine learning models.

Kinesis is a powerful tool that can stream data at scale and with low latency. It can handle a high volume of data with low latencies, and it can process data in real time.

This makes it a great option for streaming data from sources such as sensors and servers.

PRO TIP: AWS Kinesis is a cloud-based service that allows you to stream and process data in real-time. It is a scalable and durable service that can handle high volumes of data and enables you to perform complex processing on the data. However, it is important to note that AWS Kinesis is a managed service and as such, you should be aware of the potential risks associated with using a cloud-based service. These risks include data loss and corruption, service outages, and security breaches.

Kinesis also has strong analytics and machine learning capabilities. You can use it to build sophisticated data pipelines and analysis applications.

It can also help you train machine learning models.

Overall, AWS Kinesis is a powerful tool that can stream data at scale and with low latencies.

This makes it a great option for streaming data from sources such as servers and sensors.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.