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What is AWS Marketplace subscriptions?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:15 pm

AWS Marketplace subscriptions provide an easy way for you to acquire cloud services from AWS Marketplace, without having to manage and maintain those services yourself. With Marketplace subscriptions, you can quickly and easily access a variety of AWS Marketplace services, including compute, storage, database, and application services, with no upfront commitment.

Marketplace subscriptions are available in three levels of service: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The level of service you choose determines the number of services you can access and the amount of data you can store.

Bronze subscriptions give you access to three services and 50GB of data storage.

Silver subscriptions give you access to 10 services and 1TB of data storage.

Gold subscriptions give you access to 20 services and 10TB of data storage.

You can also purchase individual services through Marketplace subscriptions. For example, you can buy a compute service from AWS Marketplace and then use that compute service to run your own applications.

The benefits of using Marketplace subscriptions include:

• Easy access to a variety of AWS Marketplace services.

• No upfront commitment.

• No need to manage and maintain services yourself.

• Quick and easy access to cloud services.

• Reduced costs compared to purchasing individual services from AWS Marketplace.

PRO TIP: AWS Marketplace subscriptions are a way for you to pay for software that you use on Amazon Web Services (AWS). When you subscribe to a software product on AWS Marketplace, you’re agreeing to pay the seller for the use of that software on AWS.

• Reduced risk of finding unsuitable or incompatible services.

The following are some things to keep in mind when using Marketplace subscriptions:

• You need an AWS account to use Marketplace subscriptions.

• You need to have an internet connection to use Marketplace subscriptions.

• You must have an AWS account to use Marketplace subscriptions.

• You must have an AWS account with the correct region to use Marketplace subscriptions.

• You can use Marketplace subscriptions with any AWS account type, including an AWS account that you have created yourself.

• You cannot use Marketplace subscriptions with an AWS account that you have used to create a VPC.

• You cannot use Marketplace subscriptions with an AWS account that you have used to create a EC2 instance.

• You cannot use Marketplace subscriptions with an AWS account that you have used to create a RDS instance.

• You cannot use Marketplace subscriptions with an AWS account that you have used to create an S3 bucket.

• You cannot use Marketplace subscriptions with an AWS account that you have used to create an IAM role.

Marketplace subscriptions are a convenient way to acquire cloud services from AWS Marketplace, without having to manage and maintain those services yourself.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.