Hosting » AWS » What is CodeDeploy in AWS?

What is CodeDeploy in AWS?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 5:40 pm

CodeDeploy is a service that enables you to deploy code to Amazon Web Services (AWS) from a source code management (SCM) system. CodeDeploy uses the AWS CloudFormation framework to declaratively create, configure, and manage AWS resources for your code deployment.

PRO TIP: CodeDeploy is a tool from Amazon Web Services that helps developers automate the process of deploying code to either on-premises servers or Amazon EC2 instances. While CodeDeploy can be a helpful tool, it is important to note that it is a paid service and costs can add up quickly if not used carefully. In addition, CodeDeploy can be complex to set up and use, so it is important to consult with AWS documentation and support before getting started.

CodeDeploy also provides a REST API to manage your code deployments.

CodeDeploy is a powerful tool that can help you deploy your code to AWS. CodeDeploy can help you declaratively create, configure, and manage AWS resources for your code deployment. CodeDeploy is a valuable tool for organizations that want to deploy code to AWS.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.