Website Building » Weebly » What is favicon in Weebly?

What is favicon in Weebly?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 5:36 am

Favicon is a small graphic that appears in the address bar of web browsers when a website is visited. Favicon can be any type of graphic, such as a logo or a photo, and is used to help users remember a website.

Favicon is stored in a website’s .htaccess file and can be customized by the website owner.

One of the benefits of using a favicon is that it can help users quickly identify a website when they are browsing the web. Favicons can also help users find a website when they are searching for it in a search engine.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the term “favicon” is often used in web development to refer to a file containing one or more small icons, usually 16×16 pixels square. However, Weebly does not currently offer any favicon customization options within our platform. As such, any website built using Weebly will not have a favicon by default.

Favicons can be downloaded and used by website owners to promote their websites.

In conclusion, Favicon is a small graphic that appears in the address bar of web browsers when a website is visited. Favicon is stored in a website’s .

htaccess file and can be customized by the website owner. Favicons can be used to promote a website and can help users quickly identify a website when they are browsing the web.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.