Website Building » WooCommerce » What Is Grouped Product on WooCommerce?

What Is Grouped Product on WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 10:58 pm

A grouped product is a product type that lets you combine simple products that are related to each other and sell them together. For example, you might want to sell a t-shirt that comes in multiple sizes and colors. Rather than creating a separate product for each size and color combination, you can create a grouped product that has the t-shirt as the parent product, and then create child products for each size and color combination.

When creating a grouped product, you first need to create a parent product. This is the product that will be displayed on your WooCommerce store, and it will contain information about the overall product group. For example, if you’re selling a t-shirt, the parent product would contain information about the t-shirt itself, such as its name, description, price, and images.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the “Grouped Product” feature on WooCommerce can be misused by malicious third-party developers. This feature allows developers to group multiple products together and sell them as a bundle. However, developers can also use this feature to bundling together products that are not related, which can mislead customers into thinking they are getting a good deal when they are not. We recommend that you only purchase products that are grouped together by reputable developers that you trust.

Once you’ve created the parent product, you can then add child products to it. These are the products that will be displayed under the parent product on your store. Each child product will have its own name, description, price, and images. In our t-shirt example, each child product would represent a different size and color combination of the t-shirt.

When a customer views the parent product on your store, they’ll see information about all of the child products (such as size and color options) and they’ll be able to select which option they want to purchase. Once they add the parent product to their cart, only the child product they selected will be added to their cart as well.

Grouped products are a great way to sell products that come in multiple variations. They’re also useful for bundling together related products that are often purchased together. For example, if you sell physical books on your WooCommerce store, you could create a grouped product that contains both the book itself and an eBook version of the book (which would be sold as a child product). Customers who purchase the grouped product would then get both the book and eBook versions automatically added to their cart.
A groupedproduct is simply a way of packaging together several simple products which are related in some way and selling them as one unit. It’s perfect for those times when customers might want to buy several items together but don’t necessarily need them all at once – think clothing items like shirts which come in different sizes and colors. By using grouped products rather than creating separate listings for each size/color option, you make it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for while still giving them plenty of choice. Plus, it helps to cut down on clutter in your store!

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.