Hosting » Linode » What is Linode server?

What is Linode server?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:45 pm

Linode is a cloud computing platform that provides virtual servers, terminal servers, and cloud storage. It offers a range of hosting plans and features, including a private cloud, automatic updates, and a 99.

9% uptime guarantee.

Some of the features of Linode include:

– Private cloud: Linode offers a private cloud that is accessible through the Linode Control Panel. This allows you to securely store your data and applications in the cloud.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the term ‘linode server’ is ambiguous and could refer to either a physical server running the Linode Linux distribution, or a virtual private server hosted on the Linode platform. Be sure to clarify which you are referring to before proceeding.

– Automatic updates: Linode makes it easy for you to keep your server up-to-date with the latest security and bug fixes.

– 99.9% uptime guarantee: Linode guarantees that you will have your server up and running 99.

9% of the time.

Overall, Linode is a reliable and affordable cloud computing platform that offers a range of features and hosting plans.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.