Hosting » Azure » What is RBAC roles in Azure?

What is RBAC roles in Azure?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:35 pm

Roles in Azure are a way to control access to resources and systems in the cloud. Azure roles define the permissions and responsibilities of a user or role in relation to Azure resources.

An Azure role can be used to group together related permissions and responsibilities. For example, a role might allow a user to create Azure resources, read Azure resource data, and write to Azure resource data, but not to delete resources.

PRO TIP: RBAC roles in Azure can be used to grant permissions to users, groups, and services to access Azure resources. RBAC roles can be assigned directly to users or groups, or they can be assigned to service principals. Services that access Azure resources using RBAC roles must have a valid Azure Active Directory tenant ID.

A role can be assigned to a user or group, and the permissions and responsibilities of the role can be changed or added to as needed.

Roles are a great way to group together related permissions and responsibilities, and to assign them to users or groUPS. They are also a good way to control access to Azure resources.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.