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What Is Split Toning in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 2:27 pm

Split toning is a technique that can be used to create interesting effects in Photoshop. It involves applying a color tone to the highlights and a different color tone to the shadows.

This can be used to create a vintage look, or to make an image look more stylish. It’s a relatively simple technique to learn, and it can be used to great effect.

There are two ways to split tone an image in Photoshop. The first is to use the ‘split toning’ tool, which can be found in the ‘Image’ menu.

This tool allows you to select the highlight and shadow tones separately. The second way is to use the ‘curves’ tool. This gives you more control over the tones, but it’s a little more complicated to use.

PRO TIP: Split toning is a technique in Photoshop that can can create some interesting effects, but it can also be very easy to overdo it and end up with a garish, unnatural looking image. Be careful not to go too crazy with the split toning sliders, and always remember that less is usually more!

Once you’ve selected the tones you want to use, simply apply them to the image using the relevant tools. You can experiment with different combinations of tones until you find something that looks good. Remember that split toning is all about experimentation, so don’t be afraid to try something new.

Split toning is a great way to add style to your images. It’s easy to learn, and it can produce some really stunning results. So why not give it a try

What Is Split Toning in Photoshop

Split toning is a technique that can be used in Photoshop to create interesting effects by applying color tones to highlights and shadows separately. This article provides an overview of how split toning works and how it can be used effectively.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.