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What Is SVG Format in Photoshop?

Last updated on January 26, 2023 @ 5:47 am

SVG is short for Scalable Vector Graphics. It’s a widely-supported file format that allows you to create two-dimensional vector images. You can open, view, and edit SVG files using Adobe Photoshop CC.

Vector images are made up of a series of points, lines, and curves that are based on mathematical equations. They can be scaled to any size without losing quality because they don’t contain pixels. This makes them ideal for use in logos, illustrations, and infographics.

PRO TIP: SVG format is not supported in Photoshop. Attempting to open an SVG file in Photoshop will result in an error message.

SVG files can be created in a number of ways, including with vector drawing software like Adobe Illustrator CC. Once you have your SVG file, you can open it in Photoshop and edit it just like any other image.

To open an SVG file in Photoshop, go to File > Open and select the file. Or, you can drag and drop the file into the Photoshop workspace. Once the file is open, you’ll see the vector image on the canvas.

You can now edit the image like you would any other. To change the color of an object, select it with the Pen tool or Direct Selection tool, then click on the Swatches panel. To add text, select the Type tool. You can also use Photoshop’s various shape tools, layer styles, and filters. When you’re done editing your SVG file, go to File > Save As. In the dialog box that appears, make sure to choose the .svg extension from the drop-down menu next to “Save as type.”

Click “Save” Save As. In the dialog box that appears make sure to choose the .svg extension from drop-down menu next to “Save as type.” Click “Save.”

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.