Hosting » AWS » What is the difference between AWS EFS and EBS?

What is the difference between AWS EFS and EBS?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:03 pm

AWS EFS stands for Elastic File System. It is a storage service that provides persistent storage for files and enables you to work with large files without having to use external storage solutions such as SANs or NAS.

AWS EFS is built on top of the Amazon S3 storage platform and provides the same storage features and capabilities as S3, including durability, scalability, and performance.

PRO TIP: When considering AWS EFS and EBS, it is important to understand the key differences between the two services. AWS EFS is a file storage service for Amazon EC2 instances while EBS is a block-level storage service. EFS is ideal for applications that require a file system, such as media files, while EBS is better suited for applications that require block-level storage, such as databases.

EBS stands for Elastic Block Store. It is a storage service that provides persistent storage for data blocks.

You can use EBS to store large files and folders, and to create volumes that can store data across multiple Availability Zones. Amazon EBS is built on top of the Amazon EC2 compute platform and provides the same compute features and capabilities as EC2, including security, reliability, and performance.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.