Hosting » Azure » What is the difference between Azure monitor and log analytics?

What is the difference between Azure monitor and log analytics?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 11:28 am

Azure Monitor is a centralized logging and management solution that helps you monitor your applications and services for performance and compliance issues. Azure Monitor also provides search and discovery capabilities for finding logs and events related to your applications and services.

Log analytics helps you discover and analyze the events in your logs to gain insights into your applications and services. .

PRO TIP: Azure monitor and log analytics are two different products offered by Microsoft. Azure monitor is a monitoring service that provides data and insights about the health and performance of Azure resources. Log analytics is a service that helps you collect, search, and analyze data to gain insights into your application and business.

Log analytics provides insights into the events in your logs to help you understand how your applications are performing and how they are complying with regulatory requirements. This information can help you make changes to your applications or services to improve performance or compliance.

Centralized logging and management solutions, like Azure Monitor, can help you monitor your applications and services for performance and compliance issues. Log analytics can help you discover and analyze the events in your logs to gain insights into your applications and services.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.