Hosting » VPS » What is the difference between web hosting and VPS?

What is the difference between web hosting and VPS?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:01 pm

Web hosting and VPS services offer different levels of security and hosting options. Web hosting services are typically cheaper and easier to use, while VPS hosting is more expensive but offers more flexibility and control over your hosting environment.

PRO TIP: Web hosting and VPS are two different services that are often confused. Web hosting is a service that allows you to host a website, while VPS is a service that allows you to host a virtual private server. While both services allow you to host a website, they differ in terms of features, price, and performance.

Web hosting services typically offer a limited number of domains and a set of shared resources, such as a server, CPU, and bandwidth. VPS hosting can offer more control over your resources and allows you to host more than one website on a single server.

VPS hosting can be more expensive than web hosting, but it can offer more flexibility and control over your hosting environment. If you need more than a single website hosted on a server, then a VPS hosting service might be a better option for you.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.